學校要聞 2015-10-23

The Votes are In

【Yi-mei Chen, Tamsui Campus Report】The results for the 21st Student Association Election are in! Voting took place from Oct. 13-15 and a total of 3448 votes were counted. Group number one of candidates received 1135 votes and group number two received 2200 votes. 15 percent of the votes had to be discarded because they weren’t done according to regulations. However, the number of participating students has gone up by 2.94 percent. From 8 colleges, 18 student representatives were selected. Third-year student of the College of Engineering, Wei-li Chen, expressed, “I’m so glad I’ve been given this opportunity to help everyone. I will definitely try my hardest to fulfill my every responsibility as best I can.” (For more details of the results see link http://tkusaec.blogspot.tw/)

NO.978 | 更新時間:2015-10-23 | 點閱:1175 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2025-02-06 15:48:52
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