學校要聞 2015-10-30

TKU Takes a Close Look into the World of the Visually Impaired

【Yu-xiang Sun, Tamsui Campus Report】The Resource Center for Visually Impaired (RCVI) and Technology Development Association for the Disabled in Taiwan (TDAD), jointly held the, “Career in Motion- Employed Visually Impaired Discussion” on Oct. 20. The event was an opportunity for disabled professionals to share their experience, ideas and resources with the public. In attendance were experts of disabled facilities including Director of the RCVI, Jason Zhang, Renowned Interpreter, Jia-hao Chang, and President of TDAD, Po-jung Lin. The experts introduced the various functions, computer programs, mobile apps and devices designed for the visually impaired.

Jason Zhang expressed, “This university continues to research and develop tools to assist the visually impaired. Because we’ve been using NVDA screens and software for reading and writing, the university is initiating the NVDA-TKU project to meet with the needs of visually impaired learners.” He also made mention of the mobile app that is called, “Google Play Android,” which allows assistance at anytime using voice control.

NO.979 | 更新時間:2015-10-30 | 點閱:789 | 下載:

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