學校要聞 2015-11-27

TKU Prepares for Academic Assessment

【Yu-xuan Li, Zhao-yu Chen, Yu-xuan Zhou, Shi-qing Huang, Tamsui Campus Report】In preparation of the 2015-16 Academic Assessment that will be made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December, last week Tamkang University gave a report of all the needed revisions. President Flora Chia-I Chang and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, attended to listen and assist with possible suggestions.

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sinn-cheng Lin, lead the discussion with a 20 minute briefing stating that the Department of Chinese was in need of more versatile curriculum and facilities to have a more well-rounded educational program; the Department of History needs a stronger curriculum and can incorporate more international educators; the Department of Information and Library Science is in need of new software and hardware facilities to tie the knot between learning and applicable knowledge; and the Department of Mass Communication is in need of more academic industry internships to help with student career development.

Dean of the College of Science,Zi-cong Zhou, gave a 15 minute briefing on needed department modifications: the Department of Science is in need of more internships for student development; the Department of Biology needs more research focused on life in the future; and the Department of Chemistry needs new facilities and resources for professors. Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsiao-chuan Chen, stated that the goal of the 6 departments was to meet with the suggested requirements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the development of a more international program.

NO.983 | 更新時間:2015-11-27 | 點閱:1149 | 下載:

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