學校要聞 2016-03-10

160 Chinese Language Students Take TKU Tour

The Division of Continuing Education’s Chinese Language Center held the Tamsui Day Tour on Feb. 19. The event lead 4 teams of 160 Chinese language students along Tamsui Campus to see the Palace Lantern Classrooms, College Foursquare and the Library, giving them an up-close look at the unique features of architecture. Director of the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Pei-wha Chilee, was invited to introduce the specialties of each department.

Director of the Chinese Language Center, Hsiang-hua Chou, expressed, “It’s our hope that this event will let the students get a deeper understanding of the university and Taiwanese culture through experiencing the beautiful sites of Tamsui. Afterwards the students visited the Red Fur Castle, Little White House and Old Street. American student, Steven Hansen -currently studying Chinese Language - stated, “Even though my Chinese isn’t very fluent yet, I’m really happy to be together with everyone on this activity.” (Article written by Yi-mei Chen and Ying Lu)

NO.993 | 更新時間:2016-03-10 | 點閱:558 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-27 18:41:31
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