學校要聞 2016-04-14

Three Hong Kong Schools Pay Visit to TKU

【Jin-yu Cai, Xin-yu Wang, Shao-qi Zhang, Tamsui Campus Report】On Mar. 22-23 three Academic Institutions from Hong Kong brought 50 high school students for a special visit at Tamkang University. In addition to visiting the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium, Chueh-sheng Memorial Library and the Chinese Palace-style Classrooms, they also had an enthusiastic exchange with the Hong Kong students of TKU.

On Mar. 22 the Director of St. Joan of Arc Secondary School, Hon-yan Lai, and professor Wing Hong Choy brought 15 students to the Ching-sheng International Conference Hall for a discussion and to hear the experience of student life on TKU campus. Student of Joan of Arc. Secondary School, Zhen-an Li, expressed, “The scenery on campus is really beautiful and this discussion gave me a much better understanding of the university. I will definitely consider coming here to study in the future.”

In the morning on Mar. 23, a group of 25 students from Ho Feng College were met by Director of the Office of International and Cross Strait Affairs, Pei-wha Chilee, to gain information on the regulations and requirements needed to study at TKU. Second-year student of the Department of English, Zhong-lin Lu, explained the student workload and campus life at the university. 4th year student of Ho Feng College, Xiao-xian Li, happily expressed, “This forum really gave me a better understanding of universities in Taiwan. I hope I get the opportunity to see Taiwan again.”

In the afternoon on Mar. 23, President of Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School and three professors brought a group of 30 students for a visit. A discussion was held by Director of the International and Mainland Guidance Section, Yu-hua Chao, and details were discussed about the junior-year study abroad program. Second-year student of the Department of History, Zi-qing Chen, expressed to the group, “Coming to Taiwan for study is a great opportunity to learn to live on your own.”

NO.997 | 更新時間:2016-04-14 | 點閱:924 | 下載:

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