英文電子報 2002-01-07

Li Ting Construction Co., Ltd. Will Help TKU to Ease Off Student Dormitory Shortage Problems

A ground-breaking ceremony for a construction project nicknamed “ Tamkang Campus” was performed last Monday (Dec. 31) at 9:15 A.M.

Pres. Chang Horng-jinh, together with 2 V.P.s, Dr. Feng Chao-kang and Dr. Flora C. I. Chang, were also at the helm of the ceremony. Joining their company was Ms. Cheng Yun, Chairperson of Li Ting Construction Co., Ltd.

As each of them scratched the ground with a shovel, symbolizing the inception of the construction project, the ritual was done. Hopefully, if everything goes well, it will be caught up sometime in July, 2003. By then, a 14-story building located at the diagonal side of Wellcome (Sic.) Supermarket on Chungshan Rd., Tamsui, with a veneer that looks like Taipei Esquire Hotel will be erected. Inside, it will be equipped with ultra modern facilities with 992 berths ready for rental to TKU male students.

TKU is expected to sign a 5-year lease with Li Ting Construction Co., Ltd. The project will be completed within 570 working days.

In the ground- breaking ceremony, Ms. Cheng Yun is quoted as saying that as early as 1950 when Tamkang was building an English College, Dr. Chang Tsan-chuan, her father-in-law, had donated a fund to the College to purchase a piece of land. Then in 1959 when Tamkang became College of Arts and Sciences, her father-in-law had become Tamkang’s doctor-in-residence and had practiced his medicine here for more than 10 years. Now, she is following her father-in-law’s footsteps by maximizing modern technology such as installing the best fire-fighting facilities so that, upon completion of the project, TKU will have a student building full of pleasant light, air and the lovely features of amenities.

Pres. Chang Horng-jinh also expressed his joy and gratification, saying that predictably, “The Tamkang Campus” will literally become one of the TKU scenic spots. As there is a high percentage of students renting outside facilities, as administrators, we often worry about students’ safety who choose to live outside. Besides, the limited space of campus has made it impossible for us to build dormitories. Thanks to Li Ting Construction Co., Ltd., they indeed give us a boost in student housing. They are actually building a student compound in Tamsui’s downtown area. What more can we say except many, many thanks?

NO.491 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1868 | 下載:

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