趨勢巨流河 2018-10-21




1. The sooner you finish it, the_you can go home.

(A) early (B) earlier (C) earlier than

(D) more earlier

2.I think I could do well in an interview once I get my foot_the door with an appointment.

(A)on (B) by (C) in (D) through

3.Mr. Miller will have finished his work before Antonio_here to help him next Month.

(A) comes (B) is coming (C) will come (D) will have come

4. She got a good deal on her new laptop because instead of paying one lump sum, she paid eight easy_of NT$2000.

(A) pensions (B) allowances (C) expenditures (D) installments

5.It is an Australian company whose logo_a red kangaroo.

(A) feature (B) features (C) featured (D) featuring

6. We hope this clears up the questions for those of you_have been asking us this for more than a week.

(A) whom (B) whose (C) which (D) who.

7.The only_reason to keep the files secret is to protect the guilty.

(A) logical (B) logic (C) logician (D) logically

8.You can use a directory service to search_people on the internet.

(A) in (B) at (C) for (D) with

NO.1074 | 更新時間:2018-10-21 | 點閱:1294 | 下載:

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