英文電子報 2001-12-24

Tamkang University Was Touted for Her Student Counseling Service by Ministry of Education, etc.

TKU was awarded a citation for her excellent work on student counseling. Among the numerous competitors in northern Taiwan, only TKU and Ching Hwa U. received such an honor. Ministry of Education and China Counseling Association were the joint sponsors of this event.

In a symposium held on December 16 (last Sunday) relating to Student Counseling, Dr. Keh Huan-chao, Dean, Office of the Student Affairs, accepted the award for the university.

A total of 13 colleges and universities including Ching Hua and Feng Chia, Hong Kwang Technology College and Kwang Wu Technology College, etc. received the prize.

Ms. Hu Yen-wei, Chief, Student Counseling Section, was happy with the award. She considered the whole thing an unexpected surprise because, she said, a private university cannot afford to compete with a public institution, be it in terms of manpower or financial upkeep and besides, student counseling is a challenging work, as everybody is well aware of, but we made it this time, she gladly said.

NO.489 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1618 | 下載:

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