趨勢巨流河 2019-03-11


1. My husband's handwriting is exactly the same_it was when I met him 55 years ago.

(A) as (B) than (C) from (D) like

2.If you have a copy of your transcript or are able to get_, it may be able to serve as a replacement for your diploma.

(A) it (B) one (C) some (D) yourself

3.Greg Plowman retired from Eli Lilly and Company following_30 years of leadership within the R&D organization.

(A) otherwise (B) barely (C) still (D) almost

4.Please store all your work immediately. The computer system will be_completely in 10 minutes.

(A) loaded up (B) shut down (C) broken away (D) switched on

5.We have developed a draw process that works exceptionally_for both our clients and their contractors.

(A) well (B) good (C) better (D) best


1. (A),NOTE:片語 the same as。

2. (B),NOTE:one是「不定代名詞」,指「沒有特定的、不明確的東西」,這邊的one = a copy of your transcript,表示「隨便任何一張成績單」。

3. (D),NOTE: 在禮來藥廠研發部門擔任將近30年的領導階層後,Greg Plowman退休了。

4.ANS:(B),NOTE: (A) 將…上的貨物摞得很高 (B) 關閉 (C) 脫離 (D) 打開。

5.ANS: (A),NOTE: Well是副詞修飾work,表示「進行地很圓滿順利」;exceptionally則是修飾well。

NO.1083 | 更新時間:2019-03-11 | 點閱:898 | 下載:

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