英文電子報 2001-11-05

Twin Dolphin Replica Has Become One of Tamkang University’s Scenic Spots

It was in last year when Tamkang University celebrated her 50st anniversary and a holy fire was built for the athletic meet that gave

inspiration to Dr. Clement C.P. Chang, Founder of T.K.U., the idea of the bronze twin dolphin replica that is now standing at the end of the Lantern walkway.

The dolphin replica is estimated to cost NT$l,000,000.00 in the making. It is an object d’art created by seasoned sculpture artist Wang Hsiu-chih. On its base are inscribed with characters written by our Founder, “As we stand at the foothold of Tamkang U., we look at the world at large. We must seek information to the best of our ability to create our future.”

Pres. Chang Horng-jinh also has left his calligraphic art on the base, only in 4 words: “Fish sporting in swift currents.”

According to Mr. Wang Hsiu-chih, his creative intentions were to express the traditional Chinese belief that “the earth is square and the sky is round.” Based upon this idea, he has added new dimensions such as the undulating sea waves, and the swarming fishes frolicking in the sea waves, among which a pair of dolphins emerge, so that seen through the latticed work of art, the beautiful Kuan Yin mountain, the Tamsui river and Tamkang landscape are linked together, a panoramic view of harmony between nature and humanity.

He further pointed out the fish was his original depiction. Since dolphins have been chosen to be the lucky token in the 50th anniversary for T.K.U., he has changed it into dolphins accordingly.

Mr. Wang is a full-fledged artist himself, and has won many distinguished awards from Taipei City Museum of Art, Taiwan Provincial Museum of Art and Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Memorial Hall, etc. One of his creations depicting a boy holding his chins reading has become one of T.K.U.’s possessions. It is within the access of any one walking towards Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center.

NO.482 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1713 | 下載:

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