趨勢巨流河 2019-04-15


1.One theme that _____ throughout this article is the influence of mothers on fathers and vice versa.

(A) specifies (B) recurs (C) engages (D) obligates

2.The timing belt ____ shows signs of wear after about 200,000 miles.

(A) character (B) characterize (C) characteristic (D) characteristically

3.Finance, commerce, inbound tourism, as well as export of other professional services all have _____ performance.

(A) agreeable (B) competitive (C) satisfactory (D) consumable

4.Mary _____ to see the doctor for more than 2 hours and she’s getting more and more impatient.

(A) will have been waiting (B) had been waiting (C) has been waited (D) has been waiting

5.Both parties have a duty to _____ the terms of the contract and a failure to do this may raise a breach of contract claim.

(A) abide by (B) shut down (C) take part in (D) figure out


1.(B),NOTE:單字 (A)具體說明 (B) 重複出現 (C) 從事 (D) 使負義務。

2.(D),NOTE:主詞the timing belt;動詞shows;中間可填入的是副詞。正時皮帶在使用20萬英哩後會有明顯的磨損痕跡。

3.(C),NOTE: (A) 令人愉快的 (B) 競爭性的 (C) 令人滿意的 (D) 能用盡的。這些產業有令人滿意的表現。

4.(D),NOTE: 現在完成進行式表示過去某一時刻開始的動作持續到現在,並且還在進行中。動詞wait很常跟現在完成進行式搭配使用,強調一直在等待、等了好久、等到現在還在等。

5.(A),NOTE: 片語 (A) 遵守 (B) 關閉 (C) 參加 (D) 理解

NO.1085 | 更新時間:2019-04-15 | 點閱:1096 | 下載:

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