英文電子報 2001-11-05

A Tamkang Conference on Teaching Aeronautic Science Concluded with Desired Effects

A conference on how to upgrade the teaching skill of aerospace science and technology was held at 9:30 A.M. November 1 (last Thursday) at the International Conference Room, Ching Sheng Memorial Hall. The purpose of the conference, as we learned from the two sponsors, the Advisory Office, M.O.E. and Department of Aerospace Engineering, T.K.U. was aimed at achieving the practical end of aerospace teaching in certain related courses. The synthetic views of scholars, envoys from industrial entrepreneurs as well as officials are, therefore, equally important in realizing this goal.

Scholars who teach aerospace science or related courses from Cheng Ta and Hai Yang Ta Shueh (National Taiwan Ocean University) had attended this conference. From Far Eastern Airlines and Evergreen Airlines came their influential representatives. They were engaged in a heated discussion on the accomplishment as well as the present-day appalling situation in aerospace industry.

Mr. Hu Ching, General Manager of Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, concurrently President of R.O.C.’s Aerospace Association, said that since the 9/11 incident in New York City, the single most victim next to those sacrificed themselves in the Twin Towers are the people in airline business. Not just the airliners but those who manufacture them are suffering horrendously. Only one word can be used to describe their plight: sad! So, nothing seems to be more pressing than to build a bridge between those who teach aerospace science for a living and those who rely upon it for a living.

Then the conference was split into small groups: aerospace quality control, aerospace spare-parts manufacturing, aircraft maintenance and repair, avionics, cooperation between aerospace scholars and technique exchange, etc.

The last topic they discussed was to compile a multi-media textbook and they went into practical details, hoping that it will produce desired effect upon both students and teachers who join the teacher’s training program.

NO.482 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1671 | 下載:

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