趨勢巨流河 2019-05-06


●李金安 (英文系兼任講師)


1. Subway ridership has risen _ since the 1990s, when about four million people used the system each day.

(A) eagerly (B) efficiently (C) dramatically

(D) unanimously

2. I will include the inspection results in the report but your presence at the property always makes it _ for you to understand important information about the property.

(A) easier (B) softer (C) lighter (D) harder

3.We are striving to include _ information as space permits. Our newsletter not only covers what has happened but also what is coming up.

(A) so far (B) so much so that (C) as long as

(D) as much

4.In_with our values of integrity and accountability and innovation, BroadGrain Inc. is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.

(A) closing (B) keeping (C) seeing (D) joining

5.In 2016, 64000 people died of an overdose, primarily_opioid use.

(A)as to (B)regardless of (C) due to(D) in spite of

6. _ sales figures, reviews are often the only available index of a book's reception.

(A) Instead of (B) Aside from (C) Rather than

(D) Even though

7.My brother had_a mysterious illness that prompted my mother to take him to the hospital.

(A) looked forward to (B) gotten ahead of

(C) made up for (D) come down with


1. (C), ridership (noun) 乘客量;(A) 渴望地 (B) 有效率地 (C) 急遽地 (D) 全體一致地。

2.(A),NOTE: inspection (oun) 檢查;make it easier for you to + 原V →讓你更容易 ~。

3.(D),strive (verb) 努力奮鬥;as much information as space permits 在空間允許的情況下,盡可能包含所有資訊。

4. (B),integrity (noun)廉正、accountability (noun)負責任、innovation(noun)創新、dignity (noun)尊嚴;be committed to + v-ing→盡忠於~;片語in keeping with表示「遵守」。

5. (C),overdose (noun) 過量用藥; (A) 至於 (B) 不管 (C) 因為(D) 儘管。


7.(D),prompt (verb) 促使;(A) 期待(B) 領先 (C) 補償 (D) 染病。

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