趨勢巨流河 2019-05-28



1.If there is any _ of the manager's involvement, we need to follow up swiftly and thoroughly.

(A) imply (B) implicit (C) implicated

(D) implication

2. A jar of dried basil or even a basil plant would be a more appropriate _____ than coriander.

(A) allocation (B) substitution (C) avoidance (D) register

3. There should be nothing exclusive or secret about _____ planning.

(A) strategies (B) strategist (C) strategic

(D) strategize

4.The store has grown so rapidly that its owner is planning to set up one branch in Osaka and _____ in Sapporo.

(A) another (B) one another (C) other (D) each other

5.Having looked at the sales figures for last year, there seems to be _____ of a discrepancy in the third quarter.

(A) nothing (B) something (C) everything (D) nothing

6. You have to fill out the tax form _____ to the contract you received on the first day.

(A) attaching (B) attach (C) attached (D) attachment

7.UI developers had a hard time figuring out ___ the layout wasn’t exactly what they expected.

(A) which (B) why (C) when (D) where


1. (D),any後面of前面可填的是名詞;(A)暗示,動詞 (B) 含蓄的,形容詞 (C) 有牽連的,形容詞 (D) 涉及、捲入、暗示,名詞;假如經理有捲入牽連。

2.(B),(A) 分配 (B) 替代 (C) 迴避 (D) 登記;basil九層塔、coriander香菜。

3.(D),strive (verb) 努力奮鬥;as much information as space permits 在空間允許的情況下,盡可能包含所有資訊。

4. (A),another 為不特定的單數代名詞,未限制範圍,意思為「任何另外一個」。Each other 是兩者之間的互相。One another 是三者或三者以上的互相。Other 單獨出現則當形容詞用。

5. (B),Something of a discrepancy 有一些不一致的感覺;something of +抽象名詞有一些~的感覺。

6.(C),納稅申報表是被附在合約後面,是被動語態。本來是… which is attached to … 但which is省略,留下表示被動的過去分詞。


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