英文電子報 2001-09-17

T.K.U. Juniors on Their Way to Study Abroad:

A brief ceremony marking the sendoff of juniors to go studying abroad was held at 2:30 P.M., August l8 as Pres. Chang Horng-jinh handed over a flag to the delegation at T.K.U. Alumni/ae Association in Taipei campus. Meanwhile, a couple of scholarships were also awarded to students whose academic journey will take them to France and Belgium.

Many delegates from foreign countries were also present at this ceremony. Mr. Sven Meier, interpreter from the German Institute in Taiwan, for instance, remarked jokingly that he certainly would hope that students visiting his country should stay away from consuming too many pig’s feet. Other distinguished guests include Mr. Vladislav Verchenko from Moscow Institute in Taiwan, Ms. Judith Mudd-Krijgelmans from the American Institute in Taiwan, Monsieur Pierre Fournier from the French Institute, and a gentleman from Japan.

There are 27 students in the English department to study in Brandon University in Canada, and two other universities in Middle West, U.S.A., l5 Spanish majors about to go studying in Spain and another l5 to France; 50 Japanese majors will soon start their academic journey in Reitaku University, Josai University, Josai International University and Tachibana University in Japan. Moreover, l5 German majors will end up their journey in Bonn University and l0 Russian majors will take their sojourn to St. Petersburg University in Russia. So,” Bon Voyage!” to each and everyone of them.

NO.475 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1841 | 下載:

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