趨勢巨流河 2019-11-24

【多益大勝利】 文/李金安(英文系講師)

1. ()Working moms often wish there _____ more time in the day to spend with their families.

(A) is (B) were (C) would have been (D) must be

2. ()Lily Lake, particularly during early summer, is _____ many tourists come to view the spectacular sight of irises.

(A) when (B) how (C) why (D) where

3. ()The database is simple to use and requires no _____ at all.

(A) expert (B) expertise (C) experiment (D) expense

4. ()The presentation was _____ in an ICU conference room to groups of nurses.

(A) conditional (B) conducive (C) conducting (D) conducted

5. ()In total, slightly more than 75 percent of board members voted to _____ the contract.

(A) reject (B) generate (C) hire (D) charge


1. ANS: B



2. ANS: D


關係副詞where代替的是前面的地點 in Lily Lake。


3. ANS: B



4. ANS: D


(A)條件句的;(B)有益的;(C)進行;(D)被進行 (本句為被動句;報告被進行。)

5. ANS: A



Board member=董事會成員。


NO.1097 A | 更新時間:2019-12-08 | 點閱:1137 | 下載:

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