趨勢巨流河 2020-03-15



1.If you are an author and you want to get your book noticed, you have to _____.

(A) think out of the box (B) be on the same page (C) shoot from the hip (D) get the ball rolling

2.You can park your car in the property’s parking garage and _____ have good access to public transportation.

(A) moreover (B) whatever (C) namely (D) therefore

3._____ after carefully, the potted plant can live for a long time.

(A) Looking (B) Look (C) Looked (D) To look

4.The weather _____ nice, people are shopping their spring needs early.

(A) is (B) being (C) was (D) been

5._____ as a freelancer, Steve develops websites and web applications at home from the comfort of his pajamas.

(A) Working (B) To work (C) Worked (D) Work

6.Prior to our flight schedule, we checked in online and were given boarding passes _____ were sent to my smartphone.

(A) what (B) in which (C) whichever (D) that


1. ANS:(A),(A)跳脫框架思考;(B)看法一致;(C)不假思索,脫口而出;(D)開始。

2. ANS:(A),(A)此外、還有;(B)無論如何;(C)換句話說;(D)因此。


3. ANS:(C),開頭是if it is looked after carefully的分詞構句,被動保留p.p.。



4. ANS:( B ),As the weather is nice的分詞構句,省略as,be動詞is改為分詞being。「由於天氣不錯。」

5. ANS:(A),Because he works as a freelancer的分詞構句,省略because跟主詞he,主動用v-ing。


6.ANS:(D),關係代名詞that代替前面出現的名詞boarding passes。

片語prior to=在~之前。

NO.1101 B | 更新時間:2020-03-15 | 點閱:963 | 下載:

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