趨勢巨流河 2020-05-10



1. It is imperative that the High-level Meeting not limited to an exchange of ideas and experiences.

(A) is (B) will be (C ) was (D) be

2. These proposals have been the shelf for more than one year.

(A) in (B) at (C) for (D) on

3. He got a good deal on his new robot vacuum cleaner because instead of paying one lump sum,

he paid ten easy of NT$2000.

(A) pensions (B) allowances (C) expenditures (D) installments

4. Popping your luggage on the scales at the airport the quickest way to a panic attack.

(A) is (B) are (C) be (D) being

5. The food manufacturer has announced that they will urgently a million jars of baby food because the products did not meet their usual high-quality standards”.

(A) reuse (B) recall (C) recycle (D) repair


1.【答案】D,本題考【It is +意志形容詞 + that +主詞+(should)+原形動詞】的句型。原句表示「本次高級別會議不應僅限於交流意見和經驗。

2.【答案】(D),本題測驗介系詞片語on the shelf,指「延遲擱置」之意。題意為「這些提案已經擱在一旁超過一年」。

3.【答案】(D),由逗點前段提到掃地機器人是筆好交易的原因是無須一次性付款(lump sum「一次性支付的金額,一整筆款項」),而可以採分期付款,可知空格處應填 (D) installments「分期付款」。 掃地機器人robot vacuum cleaner,簡稱 robot vacuum,也可稱 robotic vacuum (cleaner) 或是更簡短的 robovac。


5.【答案】(B),本題測驗字彙。原句提到「因為食品沒有符合高品質標準的關係,食品製造廠已經宣布回收一百萬罐嬰兒食品。」之意。依照句意判斷,空格應填入(B),recall(動詞)表示「收回、召回」,recall這個詞,用於某產品出現問題,要從通路商或消費者手上全面回收。 (A) reuse(動詞)表示「重複使用」; (C) recycle(動詞)表示「使...再循環、使...再回收利用」,通常是用在紙類、寶特瓶等等的資源回收; (D) repair(動詞)表示「修理、維修、補救」皆不符題意。

NO.1105 A | 更新時間:2020-05-10 | 點閱:859 | 下載:

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