趨勢巨流河 2020-11-01


1. No student expelled from another school will be granted _____ to St. Joseph Academy.

(A) to admit(B) is admitting(C) admission(D) admitted

2. The diner’s dedication to simple yet quality Korean dishes _____ the reason why regulars keep coming back.

(A) is(B) are(C) was(D) were

3. Each of the _____ is surrounded by high metal fencing.

(A) built(B) build(C) building(D) buildings

4. _____ that Professor Callahan is conducting jointly with Dr. Suzuki focuses on impact of strategic shopping.

(A) Research(B) Researches(C) Researchers(D) Researching

5. We will request the pilot on your behalf and _____ him of your arrival and departure times.

(A) speak(B) notify(C) report(D) warm


1.【答案】(C),admission是名詞,入學(場)許可。主動句型:grant + 人 + 東西;被動句型:人 + be granted + 東西。Expel =開除。

2. 【答案】(A),主詞是dedication (專心致力於)是單數。

3. 【答案】(D),空格要填複數可數名詞。

4. 【答案】(A),that ~ Suziki為形容詞子句,修飾空格的名詞;research是主詞,動詞是focuses,所以答案要選單數。

5. 【答案】(B),句型:notify +人+ of +事通知~人~事。On your behalf =代替(表)你。

NO.1113 A | 更新時間:2020-11-01 | 點閱:627 | 下載:

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