Campus focus 2023-01-05

The 188th Administrative Meeting: President Keh Encouraged Faculty and Staff to Increase Their Knowledge of AI and SDGs

The enlarged 188th Administrative Meeting was held in Ching-Sheng International Conference Hall on December 23. President Huan-Chao Keh hosted the meeting, 3 Vice Presidents, first-level supervisors, second-level academic supervisors, student representatives were at present with Taipei and Lanyang Campuses attending via simultaneous video conference.

President Keh first mentioned that TKU Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center is currently hosting the "Brilliant Past and Present - Chang Dai-chien's Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition," which has attracted many art enthusiasts. He encouraged supervisors to encourage their staff and students to go and view the rare works of the master. He then gave instructions on several key points. The first is that the university's current development focus is "digital transformation" and "sustainable development." In addition to strengthening related education and training, including required general education courses for students, he also hopes that faculty and staff have relevant knowledge. He also encouraged cross-disciplinary cooperation with AI and SDGs to add value to teaching, research, and industry-academia cooperation. The second is that in response to the trend of low fertility, the university will gradually adjust staffing, with planning to be carried out by each first-level unit. For newly-employed faculty, the principle is foreign degrees and full English teaching. He also encouraged each unit to actively apply for government research projects to obtain more funding opportunities and enhance academic reputation and social impact.

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Hui-Huang Hsu, presented a report on the theme of "Establishing Three-Round Education in Tamsui: Current Situation and Prospects." The report discussed the school's current plans and efforts related to three-round education, starting with the establishment of the Three-Round Education Center and the Three-Round Education Promotion Committee. The importance of "full boarding" was emphasized, and the report outlined the progress and work being done in the areas of "Whole Person Development Curriculum," "Full Boarding Campus Activities," and "Study Abroad Counseling." Finally, the report mentioned plans and prospects for expanding the three-round education bachelor's program, opening the Whole Person Development Curriculum to other English-taught bachelor's program students as elective courses, integrating the entire school's junior abroad and exchange student counseling system, and extending full boarding activities to all residential students at Tamsui International Dorm.

Dean of Office of Research and Development, Hung-Chung Hsueh, in his speech "Assisting Research, Industry and Academia to Create Sustainable Highlights," explained how the Office of Research and Development encourages and assists teachers in applying for and participating in research projects, helps colleges explore and plan cross-disciplinary flagship projects, layouts to secure research centers in specialized fields, assists students in entrepreneurship planning, strengthens alumni business networks, and expands competitive research and development fields through strategies such as schedule reminders, team matchmaking, project strategies, precise exploration, and alumni business bridging. With limited resources, it aims to assist the school's teaching team and individuals in leveraging external resources to the maximum extent possible and looks forward to the continuous participation of teachers and teams from various units in the application process for various research projects in the future, expanding Tamkang's key influence in various fields in Taiwan.

During the meeting, the application for the "112th Ministry of Education's Fund for Private Universities and Colleges to Handle Student Affairs and Counseling Work Thematic Projects" and the draft amendment of the Tamkang University Office of Military Education and Training Implementation Measures were passed. Prior to the meeting, awards were presented. Associate Professor Sheng-Pao Shih of the Department of Information Management, guided Bo-Cheng Tsai from the Department of Information Management, and Professor Mei-Ling Wang, from the Department of Business Management, guided Chia-Hui Hung from the Department of Business Management in the execution of their NSTC undergraduate student research project reports 2021, which were evaluated as excellent and creative, and were awarded the "Research and Creation Award" with a cash prize of NT$20,000 and a certificate, and President Keh specially presented the teachers with a medal of encouragement.


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