Campus focus 2023-10-03

Recognition for All English Instruction: TKU Receive Grants from BEST Program Again

Our university is listed in the Ministry of Education's announcement on September 15th for the Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College (BEST) 2023. Both the College of International Affairs and the College of Business and Management have received subsidies as Key Cultivation Colleges, with a total budget of NT$ 8.82 million. The College of International Affairs has received this subsidy for the second time. The Principal Investigator and Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Chen, stated that they will fully utilize the funding through the Center for English as a Medium of Instruction to accelerate the enhancement of English language proficiency for both teachers and students, aiming to cultivate talents that will contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of key national sectors or industries.

Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Chen emphasized that in addition to cultivating students' professional abilities, our students will face the trends of globalization and digital technology development in the future. The talents of the new generation will undoubtedly be international professionals. If students can benefit from EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) resources during their academic years, it will undoubtedly greatly contribute to enhancing international competitiveness.

Dr. Kai-Su Wu, the Chief of the EMI Teaching and Learning Section at the Center for English as a Medium of Instruction, stated that the center is dedicated to fostering an internationalized and high-quality English-medium teaching environment through diverse teacher training, student learning resources, and international exchange opportunities. By offering international online training and physical workshops, they continuously enhance teacher training, boosting teachers' capabilities and enthusiasm for EMI and promoting diversity in English teaching models. The center also plans to organize regular academic conferences to encourage the exchange of ideas among language education experts and scholars, actively providing comprehensive learning resources for students. This enables students to improve their English proficiency within a multilingual context. Additionally, they will use digital technology to offer all English-taught MOOCs.


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  • 更新日期:2025-03-13 09:05:19
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