NO. 545


Distinguished alumnus, Mr. Ts’ao Ying-wei, President of Linksys Company, has been invited to the school to give a speech, sharing his experience in establishing Linksys Company, on this Wednesday (September 24, 2003). He graduated from the Department of Computer Science in 1975.

Entitled as “A Five-Hundred-Million-Dollar Media Man—The Story of Ts’ao Ying-wei, the President of Linksys Company,” the speech will be delivered at International Conference Room, Chueh Sheng Memorial Building at 10:00 a.m., and be relayed to Ching-sheng International Conference Hall at the same time. In addition to the students, faculty, and alumni of TKU, the speech is open to people outside the campus.

Ts’ao Ying-wei, who now resides in America, is the vice-president of an American company named Cisco. He is also the president of Linksys, a company built under his own hand, which now has become a branch company of Cisco. Ts'ao’s Linksys is an important company in North America that produces network communication products. Not long ago, Cisco spent half of a billion dollars (about 17 billion New Taiwan dollars) to buy Linksys, leaving a good story on the lips of everyone in the business field. Because Linksys’s factories are all in Taiwan, Ts’ao’s visit to Taiwan will draw a lot of attention from the IT Industry.

Ts’ao Ying-wei will give another speech, “The Vanguard in Business —Trends of the Wireless Communication Industry,” at the Taipei International Computer Fair, on September 23. In the speech, he will give his opinions about the development of Wireless Home Networking, Wi-Fi. He thinks that Wireless Home Networking will be popular in the future just like the telephone and television, and foretells that in 2006, there will be 3.7 million families using this new product.

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