NO. 545


There were 369 students who dropped out of school last semester (2003, Spring) because they failed half of their courses (or two-thirds of their courses for overseas Chinese students) in two successive semesters. Compared with the number in the previous semester (2002, Summer), it increased 95 persons; and compared with the same period last year (2002, Spring) it creased 44 persons. The numbers of dropout students for this semester was the highest in the past three years.

Among these students dropped out by school, there were 334 persons belonging to the day school, 32 persons belonging to the night school, and 3 persons belonging to the graduate school. On the average, among more than 26 thousand students in TKU, one student out of a hundred dropped out from school. The notable thing was that in former years, most of the dropouts were sophomores, but this year it was freshmen. There were101 freshmen who dropped out of school last semester. Since everything in college is new to freshmen, they should especially take care of their schoolwork. Besides the freshmen, 96 sophomores, 75 juniors, and 61 seniors dropped out respectively. If we classify the numbers of dropout students according to college, we could discover that 152 students belonged to College of Engineering, occupying 41% of the total; 81 students belonged to the College of Management (21%); 57 students belonged to the College of Sciences (15%). In addition, there were 46 students who dropped out from the College of Business, 22 students from the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, and 11 students from the College of Liberal Arts. No students dropped out from the College of Education and the College of Technology this year.

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