NO. 545


The Ministry of Education announced the results of the evaluation of the university development projects in the 2001-2002 academic year on July 10, 2003. TKU was listed as the best in five of the seven items in the first group of universities, and was granted two hundred and twenty-one million dollars of government subsidy, the largest among private universities, in the 2002-2003 academic year.

According to the Ministry of Education, universities have to propose future-oriented development projects, integrated with budgets, and submit them to a screening committee. The screening committee was convened on June 25 to evaluate how universities have done their development projects in the 2001-2002 academic year. It announced the results of evaluation in July, which were taken as the criteria for giving grants for the next academic year. Government subsidy is usually decided according to the university's scale, the number of students, and the quality of the faculty. The total subsidy this year is less than that of last year by one hundred and twenty million dollars. The Ministry of Education declared that government grants would be decreased by the year, whereas awards would be increased.

The categories of evaluation include the development of school affairs, teaching and counseling, research, extension services, administration, accounting management, and use of resources. Except for teaching and counseling and use of resources, TKU was listed as the best in the other five categories: behind Fu-Jen’s six, equal to Su-Chiao’s and Tung-Hai’s five in the first group.

President Horng-jinh Chang pointed out, “It is a great comfort to see TKU’s achievement in this evaluation. In fact, Ministry of Education’s praise of TKU can be clearly seen in its ten suggestions to us regarding our four campuses and their individual educational ideals, the prospective goals of “globalization, information-oriented education and future-oriented education,” the digitalized environment's effectiveness at enhancing academic research, high-quality research proposals of the faculty, and the effectiveness of extension education and development and teaching integration. But the proportion of professors to students needs to be improved, though the number of professors with a Ph. D. degree has been raised. According to President Chang, to improve “teaching and counseling,” class counselors will be required to do more for student life and study. As for “the use of resources,” the universities evaluated favorably are mostly religious-oriented, and their boards of trustees contribute more than that of TKU.

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