NO. 545


Distinguished Professor Awards (DPA) were announced several days ago, and eleven received the medals of honor and prize money of NT$100,000. This is the last time that awarded professors will receive prize money, since new parameters for award giving have already been passed.

Distinguished Professors come out of departmental recommendations and college elections, Personnel Office’s confirmation, and The Screening Committee of the DPA’s final approval. This year the DPAs were won by Yueh Wang from the Department of History, Hsieh-sui Hao from the Department of Chemistry, Juii-fang Kuo from Civil Engineering, Chun-hui Chang from the Department of International Trade, Tzong-ru Tsai from the Department of Statistics, Jung-chin Wei from the German Department, Chian-chen Hsiung from the Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies, Chin-sheng Kao from the Department of Construction, Li-chun Li from the Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, Foo-tsu Hsieh from the Division of Core Courses and Ku-chen Huang from the Office of Physical Education.

Among them, Chun-hui Chang from the Department of International Trade has won the award thrice. His teaching is distinguished with the adoption of multi-media and the integration of theory and practice. Professor Chang makes an effort to enhance students’ learning motivations. He is also enthusiastic in voluntary service at Center of Resources for Blind Students. Students almost never cut classes taught by Professor Hsieh-sui Hao, who enthusiastically participates in designing core courses and information courses for blind students. Professor Hao has hosted a series of seminars for a long time and attended numerous international conferences. He received the Ministry of Education National Award for Teachers of Information in 2000, which demonstrates Professor Hao’s greatly- recognized achievements. Professor Li-chun Li from the Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, is devoted to research on educational psychology and has obtained the National Science Councils grant consecutively for four years.

Professor Chin-sheng Kao from the Department of Construction has organized several conferences. Ku-chen Huang from Office of Physical Education designs cyber-classroom courses, offering students another channel of learning. Professor Huang also takes an active part in voluntary service and designing courses for physical education. Professor Yueh Wang teaches both history and art courses; handicapped students with various problems like to seek assistance from him. Professor Juii-fang Kuo from Civil Engineering does research on teaching software and puts them into practical teaching activities and demonstrates a successful integration of theory and practice. Two courses taught by Professor Jung-chin Wei from the Department of German are listed within Top 100 in the Evaluation of Teaching, and that shows Professor Wei’s devotion. Professor Chian-chen Hsiung from the Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies has been teaching at TKU since 1976; he has never taken any part-time job elsewhere and has full-heartedly devoted himself to teaching and research at TKU in these 27 years. Under his influence, alumni have given donations to the school to institute the O So Scholarship.

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