NO. 545


The burning of the old student association/club offices in early August caused a big loss for all student associations/clubs. Lost equipment can be purchased again, but lost data is unrecoverable. After this accident, they decided to keep their data in digital format and save them on disk and computer in case such a similar loss occurs again.

The Children’s Welfare Association lost desks, chairs, lights, and books, among many things. The president expressed his sadness about their loss of materials. He said that many of them were gone forever.

The Club for the Earth was luckier because its location was a bit far away. Some materials were saved from the fire. Huang, secretary general, said that they only saved five volumes and more than thirty volumes were destroyed, along with all the equipment for outdoor activities. Now the five smoked volumes are the only things left.

The Fine Arts Club didn’t place their paper documents in the office, and fortunately, they survived from the fire. President Hung Wan-shan, a junior in the Japanese Department, indicated that their great loss included 20 to 30 works and many painting tools, which cost more than 70 thousands.

The Hai-tien-chin Club lost a computer in the office in addition to all their other materials. Vice president Chi, a junior in Economics, said that the computer was donated by the seniors and all the data in the computer was lost. Because of the fire, she decided to create a website for saving their data. She also reminds all members not to leave valuable materials in the office in case a similar incident happens again.

In order to reduce paper documents and promote digitalization, the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section will help every student association/club to create a database for saving all their documents in digital format, including activity plans, execution, evaluations, and budget. The details can be seen at the website of Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section.

For the creation of the database, every association/club was assigned a code. Hsieh Ching-tang, chief of the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section, indicated that the database created another venue for students to access all the materials, in addition to the traditional paper documents.

NO.545 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1124 | Download:

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