NO. 545


The fire burned down all the offices, yet the friendship among members of Kendo Club has remained strong. The Tamkang Kendo Association, a club comprised by Tamkang alumni, donated 16 suits of kendo armor, valued more than NT$200,000, to the Kendo Club. They put their support into action.

President of the Tamkang Kendo Association, Chang Chen-hsiung, and many members including Tung Kuo-chang, Jeng Hoang-ell, Wu Hsiang-lo, and Po hsueh-tsui, attended this donation ceremony; University President Chang Horng-jinh and president of the Kendo club, Su Po-ying, represented the club to receive the donation. The body armor is embroidered with “Tempered by Fire.” Professor Jeng Hoang-ell of the Department of Architecture, a former president of the Kendo Club, indicated that the three words embodied the spirit of kendo, for fire symbolizes the painstaking discipline required for kendo training. He wished all the members to be reborn from the fire.

Members of the Kendo Club were very touched by the scene. Club member Tsai Chun-ping, a senior in the Department of Civil Engineering, expressed that he was so proud of their close friendship with the alumni of the Tamkang Kendo Association.

Kendo Club was founded in 1960 and well known by the kendo community. It has won 20 national college champion titles. Some of its members have become national athletes and established their fame in various competitions. The graduates who founded the Tamkang Kendo Association often donate money to the Kendo Club.

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