NO. 546


This semester the College of Liberal Arts offers two programs for the first time: Communication and Creativity, and Knowledge Management. The two programs are open to all students of the University. Those who complete the twelve credits of either of the programs will obtain a certificate, which will be useful in finding employment or further study.

The program of Communication and Creativity includes eight courses: Appreciation of Ancient Artifacts, Creative Advertising, Creative Digital Genes, Journalistic Writing, Printing and Publishing, History of Renaissance Art, Media and Visual Art, and Interpretation of Media News. Knowledge Management includes seven courses: Digitization of Documents; Knowledge Organization; Visual Images Management; Communication Society and the Internet Code of Practice, Humanities Information Searching; Learning and Application of History; and Integrated Marketing and Communication. The two programs are incorporated in the common curriculum of the University.

Prof. Kao Po-yuan, Dean of College of Liberal Arts, remarked, “The two programs combine the expertise and research of the five departments of the College: Chinese, History, Library Science, Mass Communication, and Information and Communication. The programs will benefit the students in their job search. Students will also have access to the teaching resources of the departments other than their own.”

Apart from the two new programs of the College of Liberal Arts, four other programs are on offer at the University: Teacher Education, Futures Studies, e-Commerce, and Photoelectronics and Material Science. Certificates have been given to students who have completed the program of Teacher Education and that of Futures Studies.

The Teacher Education program is offered by the Center for Teacher Education to a small percentage of applicants who pass the admission procedure. The program of Secondary Teacher Education requires twenty-six credits, and that of Elementary Teacher Education forty. When a student completes the required credits, he/she is qualified for internship. Nearly 1200 students have obtained the certificate of the Teacher Education program. Hsu Chi-wei (Civil Engineering), who is taking the Teacher Education program, believes that the courses “enhance the students’ competitiveness and experiences, and improve skills of interpersonal communication and listening.”

Two years ago the University was awarded as “Best Organization for Futures Studies in the World” by the World Futures Studies Federation. The certificate of Futures Studies program is in Chinese and English, certified by the University, as well as signed by the Chair of World Futures Studies Federation. The certificate is recognized internationally. Students completing the program will also have the opportunity to participate in the annual conference of World Futures Society. Chang Tai-lung (MA, English), who has obtained a certificate, says that the experience of international conferences has made him realize the scope of futures studies and taught him to be more open-minded in his studies and thinking.

The Photoelectronics and Material Science program is offered by the department of Physics and requires twenty-seven credits. The e-Commerce program is offered by the department of Information Management to juniors and above only. The program requires two core courses and four optional courses. Chen Shiang-jun (senior, Statistics), who is taking the e-Commerce program, remarks: “The certificate is sure to be useful for my future career, but I think what is more important is self-learning and knowledge acquisition.”

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