NO. 588


The Office of the Physical Education hosted an invitation championship for the colleges and universities in the Northern region of Taiwan. TKU’s both men’s and women’s teams did not shy away from the 39 teams from 20 institutes attending the event by winning the championship in women’s and the second place in men’s.

The event was held in two days. It adopts a robin-round system; i.e. the 26 men’s teams were divided into 6 groups, whereas the 14 women’s teams into 3 groups so the first 3 teams of each group would enter the finals. They would play off one another and with the teams of the most wins to enter the championship.

TKU’s men’s team won the first in its group while the women’s won the third to enter the finals. At the finals, TKU’s women’s team met last year’s champion, Ming Chuan University, at the second round, and won decisively. Yet, they lost to National Tsing-Hua University in the third round, but won against Tung Hai University to win them the place to play againt Tsing-Hua at the championship. This time TKU played with coolness and precision to clinch their title.

At men’s finals, it was a rather similar story for TKU’s men’s team as it was for the women’s team. Some wins and some losses, but never lost the spirit of fighting until the last breath. After a struggle, the men’s team played against Tung Nan Institute of Technology at the championship, but unlike the women’s team, they lost in the end: 2 to 3. They were not discouraged at all and convinced that they would win sooner or later.

NO.588 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1198 | Download:

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