NO. 600


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Microsoft Taiwan Corporation have invited students of several universities to do summer job internship as well as one-year internship at their companies. Those who are interested can apply on line from today onwards.

This is the second time Taiwan Microsoft organizing its one-year internship programs recruiting hundreds of university students who can go there for one-year training with pay in their company. It offers a golden opportunity for young people to understand the market, develop business skills and professionalism. The deadline of application is April 20th and anyone interested is welcome.

In promoting the merits of their project, Microsoft has selected over 10 universities to host presentation. TKU is the second stop with the presentation taking place tomorrow, March 15th at the Chung-ling Chemistry Hall (Q409), given by Lee Chung-wei, the chief executive of the Sales and Distribution Division of the company, who is also an alumnus of TKU. He and his company will arrange some lively demonstrations of their on-the-job training programs, morning gymnastic ritual, promotion scheme, software camp, and free time activities of their staff to highlight the diversity and versatility of their company.

Chang Yu Chih, a senior at the English Department, who was one of the five students of TKU that were hand-picked by Microsoft last year, participated in this internship and is grateful for the opportunity. He learned a great deal by receiving foreign visitors to the company where he could practice his English and cultural sensitivity as well as by participating in various on-the-job training programs the company regularly arranges for their staff. In one word, he is very positive about the experience and encourages his fellow students to go for it.

TSMC, on the other hand, offers internship lasting from May to September. Successful candidates will be involved in various high-tech projects so as to experiencing the business on the frontline. Visit their website at for detailed information. (Ying-hsueh Hu)

NO.600 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1144 | Download:

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