NO. 604


The 2005 Exposition for Taiwanese universities and graduate schools will be hosted by TKU, which is scheduled on July 16th and 17th with four venues in Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Taiwan to be opened simultaneously. The venue in the eastern part of Taiwan is new this year so as to meet the needs of students in that part of the island. In the past, they had to travel far to other parts of Taiwan in order to understand what higher educational institutes could offer to them. This year the four venues that will host the Expo for future college/graduate school students are the Stadium at the National Taiwan University for northern region, the Stadium of Chung-hsing University for central region, KaoHsiung Business Exhibition Center for the southern region and the County Stadium of the Hua-liang County.

According to the Office of Academic Affairs of TKU, all the Expos until two years ago had been organized by profit-oriented private institutions, which in a way had cheapened the meaning such an occasion should convey. Consequently, since last year onwards, universities have taken over the responsibility of organizing it—a decision made by university presidents and members of national as well as private university committees. Based on this decision, Ministry of Education authorized National Chung Cheng University to organize the first year and TKU does the second year.

At this Expo, TKU will arrange a presentation advising students how to select their studies on line. Since at the time of the Expo, most students still do not know which university they will enter after the national university entrance examination that is normally held on July 1st, TKU believes this presentation will definitely help them to be familiar with the process which is normally available on the 21st to 29th of July. (Ying-hsueh Hu)

NO.604 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1233 | Download:

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