NO. 568


Has the shortage in the blood bank been resolved? Despite a three-day donation round taking blood from 864 faculty and students of TKU, there is still a short fall in the reserve in the long run. Sometimes the reserve can last only a few days, for example. Nonetheless, the Group leader of the organizer, the Wu Fu Kang Boys Scouts, Chou Chien-hong was pleased with

the 'hot-blooded' support TKU students demonstrated. Who are the most 'hot-blooded' among the students? Well, in a similar event last semester, 72 students from the Accounting Department topped the list as donors whereas this semester, the Department of Electrical Engineering makes the list of the bravest so far, with 70 students.

Mr. Chen, an administrator at the temporary blood donation station parked outside the Business & Management Building, thinks TKU students are doing well even in comparison with other universities. He points out that they are number two in the Taipei region, only second to the Chinese Culture University, who collects more blood through two donations per semester.

Apart from some tough guys from Electrical Engineering Department, the organizer has noticed that women have outnumbered men as donors so far. Wang Pei-Ni, a member of the Boy Scouts, remarks that she often sees more women, who tend to come in groups, requesting about details, filling out forms, and standing in line for their turn. Men, on the other hand, would come up with excuses such as tired or caught a cold or simply walked away when approached as they walked past the Building. When a group of men ever came near the station, they were, in fact, either accompanied their friend or girlfriend. It is an interesting but a perplexing phenomenon. "Maybe men cannot take pain as well as women???" as Yang Dao-Hsiang, a junior from the Department of Information Engineering, attempted to explain.

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