NO. 568


The preparatory meeting for the evaluation of student associations was held at 11 a.m. in Room B710 of the Business & Management Building last Tuesday. In the meeting, the Chief of the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section (EAGS), Dr. Hsieh Ching-tang assured the over 200 association/club representatives that the evaluation would confirm all the efforts the members have put in, so participating in the event could only be beneficial to the clubs. The evaluation activities will take place between May 29 and 31.

According to Dr. Hsieh, these series of activities are designed to evaluate the yearly results of the clubs and at the same time provide wonderful opportunity for exchanges of ideas among clubs. He encourages all clubs to register for the evaluation; as for those which do not wish to participate in the evaluation, may give their records to his section and have an exhibition stall at the Student Activity Center (SAC) during that period of time. However, he stressed that those clubs, which do not participate in evaluation nor hand in written documents will be suspended next semester.

The evaluation procedure, method and grading standard were also explained during the meeting. It was made clear that all clubs have every right as well as choice of influencing the grading system by electing two to three representatives from their individual categories to form a committee. The committee can alter or modify the grading standard as well as the items to be evaluated based on extensive discussions in its own category. In order to ensure that these clubs take their tasks seriously, the organizer warned that if the committee copies the items as given in the guidelines provided by the university, there would be no grades for those items.

The procedure for the evaluation is simple, as explained by one of the administrators from the EAGS. This year, EAGS only provides tables and chairs without pin boards at the SAC so participants are not required to decorate their stall. All they need is to deliver documents necessary for evaluation to the SAC between 6 and 8 p.m. on May 28, while non-participants need to deliver their documents to EAGS by May 26.

EAGS originally intended to suspend clubs that could not attend the preparatory meeting. However, there were only five from a total of 213 clubs that did not attend and contact with EAGS due to various difficulties, the organizer felt that they would give these clubs another chance from a guidance point of view.

NO.568 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1397 | Download:

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