NO. 643


In order to enhance the “visibility” of TKU’s cyber campus, the Center of Distance Learning has organized a fun fair to promote distance learning this week. The center wishes to encourage more students to enroll to the courses that are available on line.

For greater attraction, the Center has revised and updated its website, providing detailed information on a wide variety of their services and related links, according to the Direct, Kuo Chin Hwa, of the Center. He also points out that his center is presently organizing some activities such as “A Hundred Thousand Steps per Day” and “E-pen Teaching System” to raise his center’s profile on campus. Through these activities, they want to demonstrate how virtual learning can merge with “real” life learning seamlessly.

The first activity is also a part of the Year of Physical Education, celebration, commemorating the opening of Tamkang’s new stadium this year. There are two other co-organizers—the Section of the Physical Education and the Welfare Association for the Staff., who believe that walking regularly can increase health and general well-being. To get their messages across, they will use lectures, walking around the campus, and monitoring physical progress on line to illustrate the importance of this simple physical exercise. The second activity will be held at the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center later this month and all students are welcome to witness the digital wonder of a new teaching system.

Those students who have become a member of the fair by registering on line or participated in the walking event are eligible to win an iPod nano 1 GB step counting monitor, wireless mouse, chips reader and other surprises at the end of the month. For details, please check

NO.643 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1130 | Download:

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