NO. 712


TKU Kendo team created great grades again! In the 23rd National College Competition, the male and the female groups of the Kendo team won the second place and the third place in the invitational tournament, which was held on April 3 at TKU gymnasium.

There were 12 schools joining in the tournament, including National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and Taipei Physical Education College. Many Kendo experts of a various schools gathered together. The leader of Kendo team, Wang Zhao-ming, sophomore of English department, indicates that the male group contented for the championship and the second place with the all-powered Taipei Physical Education College in the preliminary. It was so intense during the battle; the opponent won the first round at the beginning of the game. All team felt so nervous. The crisis was solved by Zhan Yi-xiang, who was full of experiences, senior of the Banking and Finance department. After former vice captain Yu Chi-rui, senior of the Insurance Department, went on the stage, the scores were even, and both sides were well-matched. Unfortunately, the opponent guessed right the chief commander Wu Yi-Hong’s ammo in the last fighting. Therefore, our team lost the champion award and took the second place.

The female group was also good in competition. In the match, we fought with the powerful enemy—the Taipei Physical Education College. At first, our momentum was not very good until the leader of the female group Lu Yu, junior of Japanese department, went on the stage. She continuously defeated four contestants with her strong will. Although she just took the second place, she did her best in this competition. Lu laughed and said when she recalled the process of the match, “Only thought about the awarding cup during the match, can I continuously defeat four matches!” Yu also said, “Now, our team has the difficult time connecting the new and the old players. As long as we keep putting our efforts, I believe we will have good showing next time.” ( ~Jaime Liu )

NO.712 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1248 | Download:

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