NO. 851

A Lecture by Lai Ying-chao

On March 1, the former President of the Judicial Yuan, Dr. Lai Ying-chao came to TKU’s Tamsui Campus to deliver a lecture.

Dr. Lai’s previous job titles include Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan and President of the Judicial Yuan. He obtained a Bachelor of Law from National Chung Hsing University, a Master’s in Law from National Taiwan University, and a Master’s and PhD in Law from Harvard University.

The special lecture event was hosted by Dr. William T. Lin, a professor at TKU’s Department of Banking and Finance, who noted that: “Dr. Lai is one of Taiwan’s most prominent financial Law scholar, so I’m sure that this lecture will provide students with a unique perspective”.

During the lecture, Dr. Lai touched on the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests held last year, as well as analyzing enterprises social role and talking about ethics in business. A participating student, Gao Hui-fen, said that the lecture was extremely helpful, “especially the macroeconomic perspective used by Dr. Lai in analyzing the current state of the capital market.”

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