NO. 536


An Anti-SARS Committee was immediately set up shortly after receiving a notice that a student of Department of International Trade (DIT) was a SARS suspect case last Monday. Tamkang University (TKU) President Chang Horng-jinh promptly made 13 instruction items to fight against this epidemic disease ever found.

Chang said that TKU should immediately implement an overall campus fumigation, starting first from Building of Business and Management. He called on all faculty and students to wear masks and wash hands frequently so as to keep SARS from spreading. All large-scaled activities have to be cancelled or postponed, too.

Chang also instructed Office of Student Affairs (OSA) to e-mail students, suggesting them to take buses instead of mass rapid transit system and avoid going to the public places during SARS. Office of General Affairs (OGA) also asked students to open classroom windows while they are in class.

Anti-SARS Committee comprises TKU President Chang Horng-jionh, Vice President for Administrative Affairs Flora C. I. Chang, Vice President for Academic Affairs Feng Chan-kang, Dean of Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) Fu Hsi-jen, OSA Dean Ke Chao-huan, OGA Dean Hung Chin-jen, Dean of College of Technology Hsu Ting-chi, Personnel Office Director Lo Yun-chih, Secretary general of Secretariat Tung Wan, Extension Education Center Director Han Yao-lung, Public Service Center Director Lee Der-chao, Office of Military Education and Training Director Yao Jung-tai, Sanitation and Fitness Section Chief Chang Yu-min, General Affairs Section, Taipei Campus Chief Pan Wen-chin, and four military training officers—Liao Der-chih, Tsao Tien-ya, Lu Nien-an, and Shen Yu-kuei.

In addition, to prevent all possible SARS spreading channels, all faculty and staff members are urged to halt their overseas trip, and not to visit hospitals. Members of faculty, staff, dependents, and students should inform PO and OSA at once after returning from SARS infection region and quarantine spontaneously for 10 days in accordance with regulations stipulated. Those who do not complete the ten-day home quarantine will be prohibited to enter TKU Campuses. One must inform PO or OSA through e-mail if any faculty, staff member or students has symptoms of SARS. A temperature-taking station will be set up at Taipei Campus, taking people’s temperature before entering the building. Chang also instructed PSC to move their Chinese language classes in the basement to upper floors.

At the same time, Dean of OAA Fu Hsi-jen instructed that Profs. Wu Shu-fei, Bao Shih-hen, Chang Chung-shiung, Tsai Jeng-yan and students who had been in the same classes with the SARS suspect should quarantine 10 days at home from April 25 to May 5. Students quarantined will be back to school today after quarantine is completed.

TKU authorities began disinfecting the DIT Office and the Building of Business and Management. Windows of DIT Office will keep open and all the personnel wore masks to prevent SARS from further spreading.

SARS suspect Lee Ya-wen who is now in quarantine said, “ Quarantine has caused many inconveniences, especially to my group-work assignment. However, TKU was quite alert and efficient in taking any preventive measures since SARS broke out. She highly praised the anti-epidemic work implemented by TKU.”

In addition to sending a letter of emergency to all faculty, staff and students for SARS prevention, staff members working at OAA, OSA, and OGA should wear masks because they are in contact with many people every day.

Examiners of interview for the two-year-system junior college in service program should wear masks during the examination on May 10.

NO.536 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1249 | Download:

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