NO. 878

Encouragement and Advice from Dr. Frank Bostyn

On November 28, 2012, TKU held a welcome luncheon for AACSB assessment committee member, Dr. Frank Bostyn. The activity was attended by the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang; the Dean of the TKU college of Business and Management, Dr. Chiu Chien-Liang; the EMBA executive director, Lin Chiang-Feng; the Executive Director of the TKU AACSB office, Lin Ku-Jun; and the chairs of each academic department from the College of Business and Management.

At the start of the luncheon, President Chang delivered opening remarks. She explained that in the previous three months, the College of Business and Management made significant improvements to its processes for course management and ensuring the effectiveness of student learning. Tamkang invited Dr. Bostyn to the Tamsui Campus this time to view these improvements first-hand and provide further advice and suggestions.

Dr. Bostyn is the former Dean of the University of Antwerp’s Management School. He previously helped provide guidance and support to leading Taiwanese Universities during their application for AACSB accreditation.

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