NO. 879

A Re-evaluation of Tamkang's ISS Status

Every three years, the World Health Organization (WHO) reevaluates schools and universities that it previously classified as "International Safe Schools". It does this through the WHO Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion (CCCSP), which is a body set up specifically for the evaluation of safe schools and communities.

Three years ago, TKU became the first university in the world to be named an international safe school. And on December 12, 2012, its status as an international safe school is set to be re-evaluated by the CCCSP. As part of the reevaluation, CCCSP commissioners will come to the Tamsui Campus, where they will be informed of current safety statistics at Tamkang, inspect the Tamsui Campus, review related campus safety information and take part in an open discussion.

To prepare for the evaluation, on December 4 (2012), the TKU Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Po-yuan Kao, hosted a meeting attended by related TKU personnel. During the meeting, attendees were debriefed on the schedule of the evaluation and on the current status of campus safety and health.

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