NO. 524


Ten Japanese male students from TKU’s sister universities showed a Japanese style pyramid gymnastics in the Reitaku night at the Student Activity Center, Tamsui Campus, on Dec.20, 2002. Their performance has attracted warm applauses from the audience. They are all taking courses at TKU.

The activities were organized and executed by students who are living in Reitaku dormitory. Prof. Lily H.M. Chen, Director of the Office of International Exchange and International Education (IEIE), said while addressing the gathering that this was a demonstration activity that showed the achievement of their Chinese language ability for those who are now living in the Reitaku dormitory. In addition to singing Chinese, Korean and Japanese songs, the rest activities were performed in Chinese. The climax of the shows repeatedly occurred during the 90- minute performing. A hot dancing sparked the show and followed by singing songs, gymnastics, rope skipping, and comedy short play. All these activities were commanded in Chinese.

The audiences were greatly entertained by lovely Doraemon, A Japanese cartoon character played by Hiroko Nibin and were totally impressed by Peng chun-jen singing “my home town”. Audiences were invited to go up stage afterwards to participate in the show. Yeh Chiang-fan, a student from Univ. of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 acted as Santa Claus to distribute desserts, giving foreign students an unforgettable Christmas.

Participants of this activity are from Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria and Taiwan. They were all satisfied by the performance that night, and most of all, by the communication that ceased conflicts during preparation.

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