NO. 491

A Digital Phone Can Serve You Even Better than An Internet

A new breakthrough in telecommunications system can give a big boost to Office of Academic Affairs in carrying out their administrative mission, as we learned the happy news from Assistant Professor Dr. Chen Jui-fa, Department of Information Engineering.

As we know, TKU is the first school to offer the On-Line service to students who wish to elect their courses during enrolment period. Now, on the windows of their cellular phone, they can check such information as the typhoon trail, whether the school will be shut down, etc. Their parents also can detect their children’s progress in school or worse still, their “sweet babies” have flunked school, failing miserably to meet the 1/2 requirement.

According to Prof. Chen, what we cannot learn from E-mail or the Internet will be compensated thru the mechanism of this digital gadget. In the future, this wonderful makeshift tool can even be extended to student and general affairs, and the dissemination of information can be divided into 2 ways: the broadcast way and the inquiry way. Once again, for instance, on the academic side, they can “broadcast” the following news to their target audience: typhoon news, the recent announcement from the government about the shutdown of schools; the conveyance of the untoward news to parents about their children’s flunking school; letting “proctors” know the timetable and location of mid-term and final; “S.O.S.” messages to faculty members for failing to mail in their test questions or grades and finally, announcement of a new students list, etc.

As for the inquiry way, a faculty or a student can check up the necessary information as to the examination time and place, final grade, exact classroom location for the instruction, etc.

From environment point-of-view, this is even more than exhilarating news: just think how much paper consumption we have saved in propagating news.

To Attract More High-School Students, A New Section in Charge of Matriculation Will be Established

A new office in charge of matriculation will be installed within the mechanism of Office of Academic Affairs, as a decision reached in the recent Administrative meeting declared.

Tamkang e-Times learned that there will be one section chief plus some staff members. As for the specification of duties, it needs a thorough discussion which will be dealt with categorically in the forthcoming Academic Affairs meeting.

In general, the momentum of this newly implemented unit’s work will be geared at promoting TKU as an ideal higher-education institution to high school students, especially those who are about to graduate. Publicity, for the time being, is their chief concern: poster design, copywriting, printing, how to appropriate fund and to reimburse the necessary expenditure, etc.

A resolution to change the name of the Publication Section under Office of Academic Affairs, has also been passed in the recent Administrative meeting. As its main bulk of work consists of printing of consolidated notes into book forms, administrative documents, testing materials for both mid-term and final and other exams, Publication Section has become a misnomer; the appropriate new name after the change will be henceforth the Printing Section, TKU.

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