NO. 491

Dr. Huang Wen- Su Will Become President of National Tung Hua University

Dr. Huang Wen-su, a Tamkang U. alumnus, will become the President of National Tung Hua University, Hualien, a fact already sanctioned by Ministry of Education, ROC.

Dr. Huang had served as V.P. for NTHU for some time before becoming Acting President effective August 1, 2001.

Dr. Huang got his B.S. in Chemistry from Tamkang U. and received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the State University of Oregon, Eugene. After he came back from the US, he had taught in National Dr. Sun Yat-sen University, and NTHU and later, he became Dean of Academic Affairs, NTHU. He was awarded the TKU Golden Eagle Award last year.

While campaigning for the presidency, Dr. Huang advocated the following views: Given the fact that Ministry of Education and National Science Council, ROC, have recently revealed a trend of giving material support to those privileged universities, it probably suggests the advent of a new era. Darwinism or rather, stiff competition, has become the keyword of college education in Taiwan. It also signifies that the grading system among universities has stealthily crept in. Therefore, should he become the president of NTHU, he would first of all improve the amenities of campus. Second, he would seek ways and means to enhance the administrative efficiency and finally, he would safeguard academic freedom and pursue carefree liberalism of campus living.

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