NO. 563


Professor Piotr Weglenski, President of University of Warsaw (UOW), during his first trip to Taiwan, visited Tamkang University on February 23 at the invitation of President Chang Horng-jinh. While in Tamkang, Prof. Weglenski made a point of visiting Dr. Clement C. P. Chang, Founder of TKU.

During the talk between the two presidents, both expressed a strong wish to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions. At present there are TKU students studying at UOW on the exchange program; President Chang expressed his warm welcome to students and staff of UOW who wish to come to Tamkang. In addition, the two presidents discussed cooperation in five-year double-degree programs.

With educational exchanges flourish among member states of the European Union, UOW has set up many courses on economics, political science, and culture taught in English. Therefore, prospective exchange students from TKU need not worry about language problems. After returning to Poland, Prof. Weglenski would ask the staff concerned to further discuss with its TKU counterpart on exchange programs.

After the talk with President Chang, Prof.Weglenski was accompanied by TKU president, two vice-presidents and director of International Exchange & International Education to have lunch with TKU’s Founder Dr. Clement C. P. Chang.

The Department of Chinese, TKU, and the Department of Sinology, UOW, will jointly hold the fourth Central European international conference on sinology in June this year at UOW. The conference will focus on the trend and methodology in researching Chinese Linguistics in the 21st century. Dr. Hu Yen-nan and his colleagues in Department of Chinese, together with several scholars, will travel to Warsaw for the conference. Prof. Weglenski said they would be very welcome.

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