NO. 563


The new item on the distance education program this semester is the “master lectures”, a course synchronously broadcast by National Taiwan Ocean University. The speaker on March 2 at 1 pm will be Prof. Li Chi-chu of Department of Economics, National Chengchi University: the lecture, chaired by Dr. Chang Cheng-jie of National Taiwan Ocean University, will be on “Challenges to Taiwan’s Macro-economy and Its Responses”.

The other fourteen speakers featured in this “master lectures” course come from diverse backgrounds such as industry, government, academia and the arts world. They include the novelist Li Ang, Su Jia-chyuan, Magistrate of Pingtung County, Yen Chang-shou, CEO of the Landis Hotels, Yao Jen-shi, architect, and Han Pao-te, director of Museum of World Religions. The speakers will share with students their experiences and insights in their respective field. Because of the strong line-up of speakers, the course has attracted a great many students: at the time of going to press, all of the eighty places in the course were taken.

The other two synchronous distance-learning courses are “Media and Socialization” taught by Prof. Huang Wei-wei of National Chengchi University, and “Knowing the Starry Sky,” taught by Prof. Sun Wei-shin of National Central University. Tamkang University offers four synchronous courses and twelve asynchronous ones, which are also broadcast at Chinese Culture University, National Chungcheng University, and National Taiwan Ocean University. One of the new courses is “Solid State Physics” taught by Prof. Lee Ming-hsien of Department of Physics. The two new asynchronous courses are “Life Education” taught by Prof. Lee Shih-chung and “Distance Education” by Prof. Chang Chiung-sui.

NO.563 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1319 | Download:

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