NO. 563


277 students were expelled by the University last (fall) semester due to their consecutive failure of half of total credits (overseas Chinese, 2/3), three more than last fall semester, accounting for 1 % of all TKU students. College of Technology also expelled one student for the first time.

According to the statistics provided by Office of Academic Affairs, of those students, 246 were daytime students and 29 were nighttime students, including 2 from Physics Department master program. 87 students were sophomores, freshman 38, junior 80, senior 64, and “seniors postponing graduation” 6. Expulsion rate in College of Sciences reached 2.6 %, which ranked first; 109 students were from College of Engineering, which, compared with other colleges, were the most.

On the list of expelled students, Huang Zan-you, a junior from Transportation Management Department, caught our eyes. September 21 earthquake four years ago made him an orphan, and because of this, the University provided him with a full scholarship. He should have graduated last year; and yet, he dropped out a couple of times and was expelled due to his academic performance last semester. He indicated that he found himself having no interest in study and decided to take some jobs before he discover his real interest. If possible, he would rank Tamkang as his first choice as he decided to return to school.

Of those students, one was a club president and also a member of Student Council. He failed his study due to the immense burden of club activities. Chinese Department had eight students expelled, and regretfully, half of them were seniors, including former president of departmental student association. He explained, his failure was because of his massive part-time jobs and enormous association affairs. Also, the Department of Architecture and Building Technology in College of Technology expelled a student for the first time. The Department indicated that this student already delayed his graduations date; he was expelled because he was working off campus.

Six expelled freshman students were from the Department of Transportation Management. The Department considered the lack of interests the primary reason. As to the expelled nighttime students, 10 were from the Department of Information. The Department expressed that it was hard to gain high score in the Department, especially when students spent their most energy on their daytime jobs.

NO.563 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1371 | Download:

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