NO. 563

170 Girls from Dormitory Joined “Biggest Stomach” Contest

“Today I will treat everyone in Dept. of Spanish a meal!” announced by Su Ya-chun (freshman, Dept. of Spanish), the champion of the “Biggest Stomach Contest”. After she devoured two bowls of braised pork rice, a big spongy cake, some ice bars and ice cream in the game, she took her 1,000 NT dollar prize and ate another big meal with her cheer squad and friends for celebration.

This contest, held by the Self-Autonomy of Girl Dormitory, took place at Food Court on February 26th. 170 girls coming from Sung-t’ao Dormitory and Tzu-chiang Dormitory signed up to join the game, making the canteen bustling and boisterous. Before the game started, the chief executive of the contest Kao Tzu-hui (freshman, Dept. of Statistics) announced that the prize for champion, runner-up and the third would be raised from 500 NT, 400 NT, 300 NT to 1,000 NT, 800 NT, 500 NT respectively, and these words boosted all the participants up. In order to get the prize, each girl devoured the food without maintaining her appearance, and their slim bodies made people envy their gourmet’s luck. One spectator said, “I bet that the winners must be slim girls.”

The first phase was to eat two bowls of braised pork rice, and the first 25 persons could go on the next fight. After the whistling, hundreds of slender belles devoured the rice with their full cheeks. Once a person finished eating two bowls of braised pork rice, her cheer squad would make loud clap and applause, or even shake the participant’s hands with excitement. The 25 persons who passed the first phase disorderly talked about their feelings after eating two bowls of braised pork rice: “I’m full to death”, said one girl, while another expressed that she probably would not eat braised pork rice for a long time. There was also a girl who leaned against a pillar and said, “I feel disgusting!”

At the beginning of the second round, Su Ya-chun immediately battered the spongy cake as big as her face and ate it while some people sat still, staring at the cake, and reluctantly pinched a small piece of cake into their mouth. Most of the participants were almost full, so they ate slowly and slowly until they could no longer eat anything. In order to cheer them up, the crew used the loud speaker and said, “Come on! The Money is here! Eat fast, you girls!” There were nine persons who ate all the cake, and some of them said, “I will never eat braised pork rice and spongy cake hereafter!”

As the prediction of the spectator, all the three winners had standard figures. Ts’ai I-ch’ien, the champion of both the first and the second phases, only got the third place at the last phase, in which participants was required eating the ice bars and ice cream. But the surprising thing was that she did not join the contest with empty stomach-she ate some bread just before the game! From her appearance, it was really difficult to imagine that she could eat so much food. As for the runner-up, not willing to reveal her name, said embarrassingly that she signed up the contest secretly. She dared not let her classmates know that she joined the game, “in case that they will eat me out of house and home!”

NO.563 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1271 | Download:

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