NO. 563

Business & Management Association Joined the United Raising Bazaar

A pack of paper towel usually costs only ten NT dollars; however, in order to meet the various need of different social-welfare organizations, how much will you pay for it?

The “The United Raising Bazaar” sponsored by Business and Management Association will be held on the posters Street from Monday to Friday (March 1-5). All the incomes of the charity bazaar will be donated to the United Raising Association of Taiwan for helping those social-welfare organizations that are in need.

Hsiung-kuang Yang, the president of the Business and Management Association, declared that all the goods and merchandises to be sold in the bazaar were provided by over forty different companies. What is more, those who want to buy the merchandises/goods can decide the prices. The goods for the bazaar include those smaller things like troches and cookies, and the larger merchandises like computer hardware. You can even find packs of facial masks or paper towels in the bazaar! Furthermore, three barbers shops (the One, Air and Chiao Hsi) also provided students with their best hair stylists on every noon during this bazaar. All the incomes during the charity bazaar will be donated to the United Raising Association of Taiwan and then distributed to different social-welfare organizations that are in need around the country.

NO.563 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1279 | Download:

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