第 1176 期 圖片資訊

Dragon Soars above Tamkang Art Exhibition - Diverse Auspicious Dragons Greet the New Year


President Keh presents awards to the representatives of the "National College e-Pen Calligraphy Competition," the "AI-Generated Calligraphy Creative Competition," and the selected entries for the "Chibi-styled Dragon Design Contest.”

764.79 KB , 2362 * 1417 | 點閱:432 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 比賽得獎文錙中心學生淡水校園

  • 版權所有:淡江時報與媒體中心
  • 電話:02-26250584
  • 傳真:02-26214169
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  • 個資相關問題請洽受理窗口,分機2799
  • 管理者:潘劭愷 / 建置單位:淡江大學資訊處
  • 更新日期:2025-02-06 15:48:52
  • 線上人數:7487