第 1181 期 圖片資訊

薛宏中 許誌恩 林奕安登重要國際期刊
Collaboration with Elite Institutions: Dr. Hung-Chung Hsueh, Chih-En Hsu, I-An Lin's Paper Published by a Highly Cited International Journal “Nature Communications”


2. (a) CDW modulation in copper telluride (CuTe) along the crystallographic a-axis (red arrow) observed by scanning tunneling microscopy experiments at a low temperature (77K). (b) Atomic height profile of the CDW state forming superlattice along the crystallographic a-axis (red dashed line). (c) First-principles calculated charge density distribution in a specific superlattice periodicity, which agrees perfectly with the unit shown in (b). (d) Schematics of a three-dimensional anti-phase CDW state (red/blue dashed boxes) along the c-axis induced by interlayer coupling of CuTe structures at low temperature. (e) Modulated structure of the CDW in (d) with charge density difference between CDW and non-CDW states obtained by first-principles calculations ( gray (red) area denotes the increasing (decreasing) in corresponding charge density).

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