第 1182 期 圖片資訊

翰可國際委託碳足跡盤查 25日與本校簽約
Skywentex Entrusts Carbon Footprint Verification, Signs Agreement with TKU on the 25th


Tamkang University signs “Skywentex HDP Simulation Board Carbon Footprint Verification” Research Project Contract with Skywentex International Corp., Represented by Dean Tsung-Hang Lee (Right) of the Colleges of Engineering and Artificial Innovative Intelligence, and President Johnny Chien of Skywentex International Corp.

6.74 MB , 5746 * 3823 | 點閱:127 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 工館淡水校園

  • 版權所有:淡江時報社
  • 電話:02-26250584
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  • 管理者:潘劭愷 / 建置單位:淡江大學資訊處
  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
  • 線上人數:5663